Budget data
Information about the actual revenues and expenditures for each subnational government (referred to as “realised” budgets) is progressively compiled on a quarterly basis by each government in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of the Central Government of Indonesia. The quarterly and complete end-of year data is then published by the Ministry of Finance, on its website.as shown here: http://www.djpk.depkeu.go.id/datadjpk/131/. All the end-of-year revenue and expenditure information used in this report has been taken from this source.
Population data
The population data, used to calculate the per capita measures the 2010 fiscal year for each area, are 2010 census population counts compiled by Indonesia’s National Office ‘Statistics Indonesia’, otherwise known as Baden Pusat Statitisk (BPS). These census counts are published on the BPS website as seen here: http://sp2010.bps.go.id/.
References to the official sources of data used to construct each budget-status indicator are also presented on the respective map pages.Budget data
Information about the actual revenues and expenditures for each subnational government (referred to as “realised” budgets) is progressively compiled on a quarterly basis by each government in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance of the Central Government of Indonesia. The quarterly and complete end-of year data is then published by the Ministry of Finance, on its website.as shown here: http://www.djpk.depkeu.go.id/datadjpk/131/. All the end-of-year revenue and expenditure information used in this report has been taken from this source.
Population data
The population data, used to calculate the per capita measures the 2010 fiscal year for each area, are 2010 census population counts compiled by Indonesia’s National Office ‘Statistics Indonesia’, otherwise known as Baden Pusat Statitisk (BPS). These census counts are published on the BPS website as seen here: http://sp2010.bps.go.id/.
References to the official sources of data used to construct each budget-status indicator are also presented on the respective map pages.