Human Resources
Responsibility for Seknas FITRA is in the hands of the Secretary-General. When taking strategic decisions, the Secretary-General takes advice from leadership meetings attended by the head of the Politics of State Budgeting Division, the Director of the Budget Resource Center and the head of the Regional Network Development Division.
The Resource Center is supported by a Research and Development Unit and a Database & Information Unit which are responsible for development of new ideas and dissemination of FITRA’s products and services. In terms of formal structure, neither the Politics of State Budgeting Division nor the Regional Network Development Division has work units to support them. To do their work, therefore, they tend to rely on the services of volunteers or trainees.
Staff movements impact directly on FITRA’s human resources and the organization’s sustainability. Between 2008 and 2011 FITRA experienced quite significant increases in staff numbers and had relative low levels of staff turnover. Total staff rose from 12 in 2008 to 20 in 2011.
Seknas FITRA berada dibawah tanggung jawab Sekretaris Jenderal. Dalam hal pengambilan keputusan strategis Sekjen didukung oleh tiga pimpinan yaitu Kepala Divisi Politik Anggaran Negara, Direktur Resources Center dan Kepala Divisi Pengembangan Jaringan Daerah melalui Rapat Pimpinan. Divisi Resource Center didukung oleh Unit Research and Development dan Unit Database dan Informasi untuk melakukan pengembangan inovasi serta diseminasi produk-layanan organisasi.
Adapun Divisi Politik Anggaran Negara dan Divisi Pengembangan Jaringan Daerah secara struktur tidak memiliki unit-unit pendukung sehingga dalam menjalankan kinerjanya lebih banyak menggunakan tenaga volunteer (relawan) dan magang.
Perkembangan staf merupakan cerminan dari kapasitas SDM yang berpengaruh besar terhadap keberlanjutan organisasi. Selama empat tahun (2008-2011) pertumbuhan staf FITRA cukup besar dan turn over yang dialami relatif kecil.