We at the International Budget Partnership (IBP) want to thank our colleagues at the 117 research institutions and civil society organizations around the world whose work is the foundation of the Open Budget Survey (OBS). Their dedication, perseverance, and expertise, as well as their patience with our numerous queries during the lengthy vetting and editorial process, are appreciated tremendously. We are also enormously grateful to the additional 117 experts around the globe who peer-reviewed the survey and to the 94 governments who commented on the draft results. This diversity of views and expertise helps to ensure that the data is of the highest quality.
The OBS is inspired by our partners and their work. We hope that the survey, in turn, contributes to the impact of their initiatives and advances budget transparency, participation, and oversight around the world.
This project is the result of the collective efforts of IBP’s Open Budget Survey team, led by Anjali Garg and Elena Mondo. They worked closely with colleagues Paolo de Renzio, María José Eva Parada, Joel Friedman, Suad Hasan, Alex Kreko, Vivek Ramkumar, David Robins, Sally Torbert, Robert Toto and Cosette Wong, all of whom engaged with the research partners and peer reviewers around the world to ensure the quality of the data. A special thanks to Emilie Gay, who supported the IBP team and research partners to collect and vet the data.
The global report was written by Sally Torbert. Paolo de Renzio drafted the initial frame and narrative, and along with Joel Friedman and Jason Lakin, helped to interpret the data and make vital contributions throughout the writing process. Country case studies on transparency and participation in the report were authored by IBP colleagues María José Eva Parada, Suad Hasan, Alex Kreko, David Robins and Cosette Wong. Special thanks to Chye-Ching Huang for her research in the New Zealand Well-Being Budget case study and to Mario Celada for his research and drafting of the Guatemala case study.
We would also like to thank Robert Toto for his skillful management of the database, Debby Friedman for editing the report and managing the design and publication process, Claire Schouten for playing a key role in organizing and coordinating the multi-country release of the research, Anand Mishra for his leadership and support in the publication process and overall release, Chloe Cho and Guillermo Herrera for their invaluable assistance whenever needed, Delaine McCullough and Douglas Meyer for their editorial suggestions, Nusrat Ahmad for operational support, and the team at Soapbox for their diligence.
Finally, we extend our sincere gratitude to the Ford Foundation, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Open Society Foundations, UNICEF, the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (UKAid), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, whose financial support made this effort possible.
International Budget Partnership
International Budget Partnership