DPR Allocates Rp 539 Billion for Recess Entitlements of DPR Member
Members of Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR for short) are set to enjoy budgetary entitlements totaling Rp 539 billion during fiscal year (Jan-Dec) 2012. The bulk of the money will be made available for various categories of travel within members’ constituencies: firstly, 6 working visits per annum provided for in DPR standing orders (costing Rp 102 billion); second, working visits during the DPR’s four recesses in 2012 (costing Rp 357 billion); and, third, one individual visit per year by each member (at a total cost of Rp 22 billion). In addition, DPR members will be allocated a total of Rp 57 billion as so called “aspiration funds”—money to be divided up among members for expenditure in their constituencies to meet local community aspirations. The following table summarizes the funding breakdown.
No |
Item |
Budget Allocation | Number of Members | Total Amount to be Paid to all Members | Frequency of Visits | Amount Receivable by Each Member |
1 |
Funds to meet community aspirations |
57 162 000 000 |
560 |
102 075 000 |
2 |
Working visits provided for in DPR standing orders (6 per annum) |
102 158 670 000 |
560 |
182 426 196 |
6 |
30 404 366 |
3 |
Working visits during DPR recesses (4 per annum) |
357 619 680 000 |
560 |
638 606 571 |
4 |
159 651 643 |
4 |
Individual member working visits (1 per year) |
22 540 695 000 |
560 |
40 251 241 |
1 |
40 251 241 |
Totals |
539 481 045 000 |
963 359 009 |
Source: Presidential Decision No 32/2011 concerning details of central government expenditure in fiscal year 2012, processed by Seknas FITRA
On the basis of the above information, Seknas FITRA asks that budget allocations for DPR recesses in 2012 be reduced. FITRA hopes that such funding will be one of the allocations that are pared back to a minimum in the mid-year revised State budget. FITRA regards these allocations as extravagant and wasteful, given that thus far many activities of DPR members during parliamentary recesses have been ceremonial in nature, boring for constituents and of no benefit to anybody. This is a truly worrying situation.
Jakarta, 10 April 2012
Uchok Sky Khadafi
Coordinator of Investigations and Advocacy
Seknas FITRA
Mobile No: +62 (0)8121000774
Alokasi anggaran Reses anggota DPR sebesar Rp.539 miliar untuk tahun 2012. Alokasi anggaran ini akan dipergunakan pertama,kunjungan kerja sesuai tatib sebanyak 6 kali setahunsebesar Rp.102 miliar, kedua, kunjungan kerja masa reses sebanyak 4 kali setahun sebesar Rp.357 miliar dan ketiga, kunjungan kerja perorangan sebanyak satu kali setahu sebesar Rp.22 miliar. Kemudian, anggota dewan juga memperoleh alokasi anggaran sebesar Rp.57 miliar untuk Penyerapan aspirasi masyarakat., dan penjelasan bisa dilihat dari tabel berikut ini :
No |
Uraian |
Alokasi anggaran | Jumlah dewan | Total Menerima | Frekuensi | Jumlah perorang |
1 |
Penyerapan aspirasi masyarakat | |
56 |
102.075.000 |
2 |
Kunjungan Kerja sesuai Tatib (6 kali setahun) |
102.158.670.000 |
560 |
182.426.196 |
6 |
30.404.366 |
3 |
Kunjungan kerja masa reses (4 kali setahun) |
357.619.680.000 |
560 |
638.606.571 |
4 |
159.651.643 |
4 |
Kunjungan kerja perorangan (1 kali setahun) |
22.540.695.000 |
560 |
40.251.241 |
1 |
40.251.241 |
Jumlah |
539.481.045.000 |
963.359.009 |
Sumber seknas FITRA diolah dari Keppres 32 tahun 2011 tentang rincian anggaran belanja pemerintah pusat tahun anggaran 2012 Dari gambaran diatas, kami dari seknas FITRA meminta agar alokasi anggaran Reses dikurangi, dan moga-moga salah satu yang alokasi anggarannya diminimalkan dalam DIPA Perubahaan 2012 dewan. Selain itu, anggaran ini terlalu mahal dan mubajir, karena selama ini anggota reses dewan, kegiatannya banyak bersifat seremonial yang hanya membosankan konstituensi, dan tidak bermanfaat kepada siapa-siapa. Dan ini sungguh sangat prihatin. Jakarta, 10 April 2012 Uchok Sky Khadafi Kordinator Investigasi dan Advokasi FITRA HP.08121000774