Advocacy in Indonesia grew out of the anti-corruption movement starting in around 2000—also the year when Indonesia embraced regional autonomy and decentralization. This book seeks to document the experiences of Indonesia’s budget advocacy movement since then. Five prominent Indonesian budget advocacy groups provided the principal authorship of this book: IDEA, INISIATIF, LAKESDAM NU, PATTIRO and the National Secretariat of FITRA. Its production was also supported by the Partnership Initiative of the International Budget Partnership. Contributions range across the whole range of budget advocacy work.
They look at key thematic issues such as legality, public participation, transparency, accountability, gender equality, and sensitivity to the needy; they take up case studies in key budget areas including education, human rights, health, the disabled, agriculture and development planning; and they canvass how best to strengthen civil society budget advocacy and control mechanisms. It is hoped that these writings—which are published in both Indonesian and English in order to reach a greater audience— will not only help readers both within Indonesia and beyond to better understand budget advocacy but will also inspire them to learn from and build on the experiences gained during Indonesia’s budget advocacy campaign.
Perjalanan advokasi anggaran di Indonesia berawal dari maraknya gerakan anti korupsi, tepatnya sejak dimulainya era otonomi daerah pada tahun 2000. Korupsi yang awalnya sentralistik pun ikut bergeser ke provinsi dan kabupaten/kota.
Buku ini berusaha mendokumentasikan pengalaman para pegiat advokasi anggaran ketika ketika berurusan dengan berbagai kasus korupsi dan pengeloalaan anggaran daerah yang buruk. Buku yang dicetak dalam dua bahasa ini diharapkan bisa memberikan gambaran catatan pelaku advokasi anggaran secara langsung.